Feng Shui Calabash Green Jade Lotus Beads Wealth Bracelet


Feng Shui Calabash Green Jade Lotus Beads Wealth Bracelet Product Details

Beads Size: 11mm
Material: Natural Green Jade

The lotus, commonly referred to as the "heavenly flower", is a symbol of determination and amplifies positive energies.

The Lotus flower is revered by various cultures, particularly in eastern faiths, as a representation of integrity, wisdom, self-growth, and renewal. These qualities serve as a poignant comparison to the human experience: despite being rooted in murky waters, the Lotus still blossoms into a stunning flower.

The Lotus represents the unblemished state of the mind and soul, providing spiritual enlightenment and improving mental development. Despite growing in muddy conditions, this flower remains untainted, serving as a symbol of purity and resilience.

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