Singing Bowls

Singing bowls have been used for centuries according to ancient Tibetan teachings, believed to originate during the time of Buddha. With their soothing melodies, singing bowls have been frequently utilized in practices such as yoga, reiki, music therapy, and sound healing. These harmonic sounds are said to bring balance to the body's chakras, alleviate stress, and contribute to overall holistic healing.

Why Using a Singing Bowl Can Change Your Life
Singing bowls are highly praised by health experts for their incredible healing effects. The vibrations produced by these bowls help relieve stress, promote a healthy nervous and immune system, alleviate pain, improve mood, and balance the chakras.
According to Ayurvedic medicine, the origin of sickness lies in internal disharmony. By modifying the vibrational frequency of energy, it is possible to change the composition of matter. Optimal health is achieved when the body and mind are in sync and vibrating at the correct frequency.
Playing a singing bowl produces vibrations that can synchronize both sides of your brain, inducing alpha and theta brain waves to align with the bowl's vibrations. These theta brainwaves are vital for healing and can lead to a state of deep relaxation and focus, commonly referred to as "the zone". This synchronization brings about a harmonious balance between the body and mind, facilitating deep meditation, intuitive insights, and creative thoughts.

Why Choose Our Tibetan Singing Bowl?
Our handmade singing bowls are beautifully crafted and of the highest quality. Carefully made by skilled Tibetan artisans using traditional techniques, our bowls are crafted from "panchaloga" - a five-metal alloy consisting of copper, zinc, iron, and traces of gold and silver, according to an ancient Tibetan formula. These bowls produce an exceptional sound with rich, warm, and vibrant overtones. Additionally, each bowl includes a stunning hand-carved wooden mallet. The result is a stunning and functional work of art with powerful healing properties.
Our singing bowls have all been designated as master quality, having undergone thorough testing to meet our rigorous quality control standards. As a result, they are among the world's top singing bowls in terms of aesthetic appeal, sound richness, tone sustainability, and playing ease. With exceptional quality, our singing bowls are built to last. Although bowls of this caliber are often sold for hundreds of dollars, we've made the decision to offer them at a more reasonable price so that more people can experience their incredible healing benefits.

Shop Tibetan Singing Bowls
Enhance any personal prayer or meditative activity with the harmonic vibrations of singing bowls. These bowls are often used in Buddhist practices such as meditation, prayer, and trance induction, producing a complex and continuous harmony through the friction created by a mallet rubbed around their rim. For a softer tone, a mallet wrapped in soft material can be used to strike the bowl. Made from various metals and available in different sizes, each meditation bowl offers a unique tonal quality.
Since 1999, we have worked with skilled artisans in Kathmandu to create authentic handcrafted Tibetan singing bowls. Each bowl comes with a handcrafted cushion and striker, providing an all-encompassing experience of perfection. These powerful bowls are perfect for meditation and can help relieve stress and anxiety. Discover the harmonious sounds of our Tibetan singing bowls below.
Our Himalayan Unlimited Singing Bowls are specifically named after well-known mountains within the range. Although they may not align with the specifications of our therapy bowls, their exceptional quality has made them a top choice among sound healers. Numerous users praise their comprehensive capabilities.

Welcome and blessings to our esteemed guests!
Allow Jewelry Buddha to be your expert guide as you discover the magical world of Tibetan singing bowls (also known as Himalayan singing bowls). Our team is grateful for the opportunity to share our expertise and educate you about these captivating instruments. Trust in the facts, science, and domain knowledge we provide to enhance your experience.
As a leading source for authentic Tibetan singing bowls, Jewelry Buddha offers valuable insights on their purpose and use in a professional and unbiased manner. Our top-notch products are a true representation of our compassion and commitment.
In the vast world of Tibetan singing bowls, not all are created equal.
Our dedication is to guarantee that each singing bowl presented to you showcases the highest level of skill and sound quality. We thoroughly research, carefully selecting the finest Tibetan bowls and expert counsel to rise above all others.
Peruse our catalog to discover an array of Tibetan singing bowls and sets, procured from different locations within the Himalayas. These impressive instruments have endured the ages, passing hands and generations along their journey.
View the image and listen to the accompanying sound sample of each singing bowl to immerse yourself in their captivating story.
Every Tibetan singing bowl on our website is handpicked and resonates with a unique sound, selected for its harmonious allure. Each bowl is a gem that has been chosen from hundreds with careful consideration based on its captivating sound.
The sole criterion we intentionally adhere to is the aesthetics of sound.
For detailed information on our sound healing training programs, visit the Sound Medicine Academy to explore the field of sound healing.
If you need guidance, our knowledgeable experts are available for a complimentary consultation. Please contact us via email or phone.